
What is the price of XRP (XRP) in Japan?

Last updated 07:44AM UTC. XRP to JPY rate today is ¥46.68 and has increased 2.7% from ¥45.47 since yesterday. XRP (XRP) is on a downward monthly trajectory as it has decreased -5.9% from ¥49.62 since 1 month (30 days) ago.

What is the 24-hour trading volume of XRP?

XRP has a global 24-hour trading volume of ¥109,377,950,253. XRP can be traded across 323 different markets and is most actively traded in Digifinex . Compare the price & changes of XRP in JPY for the week.

Will XRP return to $035?

Failure to return to $0.35 levels, however, will leave XRP under pressure through the day. Bitcoin price jumped above $22,000, Ethereum’s ether tested the $1,280 resistance, and AAVE is eyeing a major bullish break above $75.

